AdvancedMD Reporting Services for PM and EHR

Unlock Full Clinical, Operational and Financial Transparency With Actionable Insights.

Move past spreadsheets and limited reporting to drive and scale your most complex and crucial business objectives and outcomes.

Are you tired of relying on spreadsheets and basic reporting to achieve your critical business goals? It’s time to elevate your approach with our advanced solutions.

At PracticePath, we’re all about providing healthcare and medical practices with top-notch business intelligence (BI) and data analysis. Utilizing AdvancedMD office keys, ODBC SQL databases, and cutting-edge reporting tools, we’ve redefined reporting and analytics. Our solutions empower you to intelligently measure, monitor, manage, and transform your practice into a high-performing entity.

Imagine our custom AdvancedMD reporting solutions as a high-precision diagnostic tool, akin to an MRI, offering deep insights into your operations. This tool not only uncovers areas ripe for growth but also enhances revenue opportunities.

Our reporting solutions give you unprecedented operational insight and performance levels across your organization. By integrating data from existing systems, personnel, and workflows, we streamline processes and uncover hidden value, transforming your business from the inside out.

Gain Full Operational and Financial Insights

PracticePath specializes in delivering bespoke BI and data analysis solutions tailored for healthcare. By integrating AdvancedMD with our advanced reporting tools, you gain unparalleled insights, helping you measure, monitor, manage, and revolutionize your practice.

Comprehensive Reporting Solutions

Our AdvancedMD reports provide the backbone of your operations, acting as a detailed MRI scan of your business. These reports highlight areas for improvement and uncover new growth and revenue opportunities.

Operational and Financial Insights

With our AdvancedMD solutions, gain unprecedented insights into your operations. Integrate data across systems, personnel, and workflows, simplifying processes and revealing hidden value.

Key Features of AdvancedMD Reporting Services

  • Fact-Based Insights: Use real data to audit and improve operations and outcomes.
  • Simplified Analysis: User-friendly visualization tools make data analysis accessible to everyone.
  • Clear Reporting: Standardized reports eliminate confusion and streamline data searches.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensure optimal performance in all tasks.
  • Productivity Boost: Free employees from data searches, allowing them to focus on value-adding tasks.
  • Centralized Reporting: Significantly reduce reliance on spreadsheets.
  • Data Democratization: Enable self-service data access for all authorized users.
  • Resource Optimization: Allow IT staff to focus on strategic projects by reducing data and reporting requests.
  • Bottleneck Removal: Identify and eliminate workflow friction points.
  • Duplicate Work Reduction: Enhance workflows for superior first-time results.
  • Employee Morale: Increase job satisfaction by reducing manual efforts.
  • Improved Patient Experience: Enhance clinical and patient experiences with better operational efficiency.
  • System Compatibility: Leverage your existing technology investments without the need for replacements.

Extensive and Actionable Reports

Our range of reports covers all aspects of your practice. Whether you need financial, operational, clinical, or patient performance reports, we have you covered. Here’s a glimpse of what we offer:

Financial Performance Reports

  • Revenue Cycle Management Metrics: Track metrics such as average days in accounts receivable (AR), claims submission and acceptance rates, and denial rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Provides insights into cash flow and financial health, leading to faster claim processing and reduced denials, which improves revenue cycle efficiency and financial stability.
  • Operating Costs Metrics: Monitor expenses per provider, per patient, and operating margins.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Helps understand and control operating costs, resulting in optimized resource allocation, increased profitability, and cost-efficiency.
  • Cash Flow Metrics: Analyze cash reserves, cash flow ratios, and cash conversion cycle.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures liquidity and financial planning, leading to better cash flow management and financial sustainability.
  • Year-to-Date Financial Reports: Summarize revenues, expenses, profits, losses, patient volumes, and billing information.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Offers a comprehensive financial overview for informed decision-making, improving financial performance tracking.
  • Aging Reports: Track outstanding invoices to maintain financial stability.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Identifies overdue payments, improving collections and enhancing cash flow while reducing bad debts.
  • Provider Productivity Reports: Evaluate patient visits, provider time utilization, and revenue per patient.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses provider efficiency, enhancing performance and increasing productivity and revenue.
  • Payment Trend Reports: Analyze patient payment trends and adapt billing strategies.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Understands payment behaviors to improve billing strategies, optimizing revenue collection.
  • Insurance Collection Reports: Detailed claims data to negotiate better contracts with insurers.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances insurance reimbursements through better contract negotiations, increasing revenue.
  • Profitability Analysis: Monitor profit margins, ROI, and overall financial health.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Evaluates financial performance, leading to improved profitability and strategic financial planning.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of treatments and services.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses the value of services for informed decision-making, enhancing cost-efficiency.
  • Sales Performance Reports: Track sales metrics, identify trends, and optimize strategies.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves sales performance, leading to revenue growth and enhanced profitability.
  • Patient Referral Conversion Reports: Monitor referral sources and conversion rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances referral management, leading to increased patient inflow and better conversion rates.
  • Budget vs. Actual Reports: Compare budgeted financials with actual performance.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors financial discrepancies for better budget management, improving financial accuracy.
  • Detailed Revenue Analysis: Break down revenue by service type, location, and provider.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Provides detailed revenue insights for enhanced strategies, maximizing revenue streams.
  • Missing Charge Slips: Identify missing charge slips for accurate billing.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures billing accuracy, reducing errors and increasing revenue.
  • Unbilled Patient Notes: Track and resolve missing patient notes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Maximizes billing potential, improving revenue capture and increasing revenue.

Operational Performance Reports

  • Dynamic Dashboards: Enhanced data visualization and custom reports.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Provides real-time insights for informed decision-making, improving operational efficiency.
  • Operational Metrics: Track sales performance, order fulfillment, inventory levels, and customer service metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors operational health, optimizing operations and enhancing performance.
  • Expense Management: Track and reduce operating costs.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Controls expenses, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.
  • Compliance and Security: Ensure regulatory adherence and data security.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Mitigates risks, improving compliance and reducing regulatory penalties.
  • Workflow Analysis: Identify and resolve operational bottlenecks.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Streamlines workflows, increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • Staff Performance Metrics: Track staff productivity and efficiency.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses staff performance, enhancing management and increasing productivity.
  • Resource Allocation Reports: Optimize the use of resources, including staff and facilities.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves resource utilization, enhancing efficiency and reducing waste.
  • Supply Chain Management: Monitor inventory levels and supplier performance.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures supply chain efficiency, improving inventory management and reducing costs.
  • Patient Referral Management: Optimize referral sources and conversion rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves referral efficiency, increasing patient acquisition and enhancing patient flow.
  • Appointment Scheduling Efficiency: Analyze and improve appointment scheduling.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces no-shows, improving appointment management and increasing patient attendance.

Clinical Performance Reports

  • Patient Care Analytics: Uncover patterns in patient data for improved care strategies.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances patient care, leading to better treatment outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.
  • Clinical Recall Analysis: Manage patient follow-ups and preventive care.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves patient engagement, increasing follow-up rates and resulting in better health outcomes.
  • Clinical Note Management: Ensure completeness and accuracy of clinical notes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Maintains accurate patient records, reducing errors and improving care quality.
  • Quality of Care Metrics: Track staff-to-patient ratios and patient satisfaction rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors care quality, enhancing patient care and increasing satisfaction.
  • Procedure Cash Flow: Analyze the impact of procedures on cash flow.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses financial impact, improving planning and better resource allocation.
  • Clinical Outcomes Tracking: Measure treatment effectiveness and patient outcomes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors clinical performance, leading to better treatment strategies and improved patient care.
  • Patient Safety Metrics: Monitor and improve patient safety.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces risks, enhancing safety measures and resulting in better patient outcomes.
  • Treatment Protocol Compliance: Ensure adherence to clinical guidelines.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Maintains standards, improving compliance and care quality.
  • Clinical Efficiency Reports: Track the efficiency of clinical operations.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes clinical workflows, increasing efficiency and enhancing productivity.
  • Chronic Disease Management: Effectively monitor and manage chronic disease patients.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves chronic care, resulting in better disease management and improved patient outcomes.

Patient Performance Reports

  • Patient Metrics: Track acquisition rate, retention rate, and satisfaction scores.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors patient engagement, improving retention and increasing satisfaction.
  • Patient Engagement: Track patient follow-ups and engagement.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances patient interaction, leading to better relationships and improved health outcomes.
  • Patient Payment Metrics: Monitor patient payments and out-of-pocket expenses.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Understands payment behaviors, improving billing processes and increasing revenue.
  • Patient Intake Automation: Streamline the intake process for a better patient experience.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances intake efficiency, resulting in faster processing and improved satisfaction.
  • Late Cancel/No Show Management: Automate management and billing for cancellations.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces no-shows, improving appointment adherence and increasing revenue.
  • Patient Demographics Reports: Analyze demographics for targeted marketing.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Understands patient demographics, leading to better marketing strategies and increased acquisition.
  • Patient Feedback Reports: Collect and analyze patient feedback.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves services, enhancing patient satisfaction and care quality.
  • Patient Visit History: Detailed reports on patient visits and treatment plans.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Maintains accurate records, improving care continuity and health outcomes.
  • Patient Compliance Reports: Monitor patient adherence to treatment plans.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures treatment compliance, resulting in better health outcomes and improved care.
  • Patient Satisfaction Surveys: Collect and analyze satisfaction data.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors satisfaction, improving service quality and increasing satisfaction.

Comprehensive Report List Examples

We offer a wide range of operational, clinical, and financial reports. Here are some examples:

  • Operating Cash Flow Optimization: Assess and optimize cash flow.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures financial stability, improving cash management and financial planning.
  • Accounts Receivable Aging: Track outstanding receivables.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves collections, reducing bad debts and enhancing cash flow.
  • Payment Trend and Collection Reports: Analyze payment trends.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes billing strategies, improving revenue collection and increasing revenue.
  • Expected Revenues: Project future revenues.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Plans for financial growth, enhancing forecasting and financial stability.
  • Gross Revenues: Track total revenues.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors revenue streams, improving management and increasing profitability.
  • Total Medical Revenue After Operating Costs: Calculate net revenues.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses profitability, improving planning and enhancing profit margins.
  • Net Fee-for-Service Revenues: Track fee-for-service income.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Understands revenue sources, enhancing strategies and increasing revenue.
  • Collection Ratios: Analyze collection efficiency.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves collections, enhancing cash flow and reducing bad debts.
  • Claims Denial Rates: Monitor denied claims.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces denials, improving claim acceptance and increasing revenue.
  • Bad Debt: Track uncollectible accounts.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Minimizes losses, improving financial health and reducing bad debts.
  • Payer Mix: Analyze payer distribution.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes strategies, improving management and increasing profitability.
  • A/R Days and A/R Aging Comparisons: Compare accounts receivable metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses performance, improving cash management and financial stability.
  • Charge Posting and Billing Lag Time: Track billing delays.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces lag, improving revenue cycle and increasing cash flow.
  • Up-Front Patient Fee Leakage: Identify fee collection gaps.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures billing accuracy, reducing errors and increasing revenue.
  • Copay, Co-insurance, Deductible Collections: Track patient payment collections.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes processes, improving cash flow and increasing revenue.
  • Patient-Due Collections: Monitor patient payment balances.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves collections, reducing balances and enhancing cash flow.
  • Average Treatment Charge: Calculate average charges.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Understands treatment costs, improving strategies and increasing revenue.
  • AR Turnover: Measure receivables turnover.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses collection efficiency, improving cash flow and financial stability.
  • Net Profit Margin: Calculate profit margins.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Evaluates profitability, improving performance and increasing profit.

Operational Reports

  • Appointment Scheduling Attainment and Projection: Track and project appointment scheduling.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes scheduling, improving patient flow and increasing revenue.
  • Patient Conversion Rates: Monitor conversion rates for new patients.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves acquisition, enhancing strategies and increasing volume.
  • Same-Day Appointments: Track availability and scheduling of same-day appointments.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes:Improves access, increasing satisfaction and enhancing care.
  • No-Show Rates: Monitor appointment no-show rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces no-shows, improving adherence and increasing revenue.
  • Turnover/Retention Rates: Track staff turnover and retention.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves management, reducing turnover and increasing satisfaction.
  • Staff-to-Patient Ratio: Monitor staff-to-patient ratios.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes staffing, improving care and enhancing efficiency.
  • Sales Performance Reports: Track sales metrics and performance.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves strategies, increasing revenue and enhancing profitability.
  • Patient Referral Conversion Reports: Monitor referral sources and conversion rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes referrals, increasing acquisition and enhancing flow.
  • Patient Turnover Reports: Track patient turnover rates.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces churn, improving retention and increasing volume.
  • Missing Charge Slips Reports: Identify missing charge slips.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures billing accuracy, reducing errors and increasing revenue.
  • Missing, Unsigned, and Unbilled Patient Notes Reports: Track unbilled patient notes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Maximizes billing, improving capture and increasing revenue.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Report: Monitor critical performance metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Tracks performance, improving decision-making and enhancing efficiency.
  • Clearing House Rejection Tracking: Track rejected claims.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces rejections, improving acceptance and increasing revenue.
  • Denial Tracking: Monitor denied claims.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces denials, improving revenue cycle and increasing revenue.
  • Physician/APP wRVU Productivity: Track physician and advanced practice provider productivity.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses efficiency, improving performance and increasing productivity.
  • Physician/APP Total Encounters: Track total patient encounters.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors workload, improving allocation and enhancing efficiency.
  • Physician/APP Panel Size: Monitor patient panel sizes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes panels, improving care and enhancing efficiency.
  • FTE Staffing Ratios: Track full-time equivalent staffing ratios.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes staffing, improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
  • Patient Portal Use: Monitor patient portal usage.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances engagement, increasing adoption and improving satisfaction.
  • Provider Billing: Track provider billing metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses performance, improving processes and increasing revenue.
  • Provider Collections: Monitor provider collections.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes collections, increasing revenue and enhancing cash flow.

Clinical Reports

  • Physician/APP wRVU Productivity: Track work relative value units (wRVU) productivity.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Assesses clinical productivity, improving performance and increasing efficiency.
  • Patient Follow-Up Rate: Monitor follow-up rates for patient appointments.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves engagement, increasing adherence and resulting in better outcomes.
  • Overall Patient Satisfaction: Measure patient satisfaction scores.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors feedback, improving satisfaction and better relationships.
  • Patient Drug Cost Per Stay: Track drug costs for patient stays.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes costs, reducing expenses and increasing profitability.
  • Insurance Claim Processing Time: Monitor the time taken to process insurance claims.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Speeds up processing, resulting in faster reimbursements and improved cash flow.
  • Claims Denial Rate: Track the rate of denied claims.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduces denials, increasing acceptance rates and enhancing revenue.
  • Average Cost per Discharge: Calculate the average cost for patient discharges.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Controls costs, reducing expenses and increasing profitability.
  • Clinical Trial Tracking: Monitor clinical trial progress.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures trial efficiency, improving management and enhancing outcomes.
  • Healthcare Trends Analysis: Analyze healthcare trends.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Stays updated, improving decision-making and providing a competitive advantage.
  • Patient Risk Stratification Reports: Stratify patients based on risk levels.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves risk management, resulting in better care and enhanced outcomes.
  • Chronic Disease Management Reports: Monitor chronic disease patients.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves disease management, resulting in better outcomes and enhanced care.
  • Prescription Reports: Track prescription metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors drug use, optimizing prescriptions and improving care.
  • CPT Code Reports: Analyze CPT code usage.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures accurate coding, reducing errors and increasing revenue.
  • Diagnosis Codes (DX Codes) Reports: Track diagnosis code usage.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves coding accuracy, reducing errors and enhancing revenue.

Patient Experience Reports

  • Patient Outcomes: Monitor patient health outcomes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves care, resulting in better outcomes and increased satisfaction.
  • Patient Payments Collected Report: Track collected patient payments.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes collections, improving cash flow and increasing revenue.
  • Patient Satisfaction Scores: Measure patient satisfaction.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors feedback, improving satisfaction and better relationships.
  • Patient Follow-Up Rate: Track follow-up rates for patients.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances engagement, increasing adherence and improving outcomes.
  • Patient Portal Use: Monitor patient portal usage.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhances engagement, increasing adoption and improving satisfaction.
  • Overall Patient Satisfaction: Track overall satisfaction scores.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Monitors feedback, improving satisfaction and better relationships.
  • Patient Drug Cost Per Stay: Monitor drug costs for stays.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes costs, reducing expenses and increasing profit.

Analysis Reports

  • Top Carrier/Insurance Analysis Report: Analyze top insurance carriers.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimizes contracts, improving negotiations and increasing revenue.
  • Payer Reimbursement Metrics: Track payer reimbursement metrics.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves reimbursements, enhancing cash flow and increasing revenue.
  • CPT Codes Analysis: Analyze CPT code usage.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures accurate coding, reducing errors and increasing revenue.
  • Clinical Trial Tracking: Monitor clinical trial progress.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures trial efficiency, improving management and enhancing outcomes.
  • Healthcare Trends Analysis:</ strong> Analyze healthcare trends.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Stays updated, improving decision-making and providing a competitive advantage.
  • Patient Risk Stratification Reports: Stratify patients based on risk.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves management, resulting in better care and enhanced outcomes.
  • Chronic Disease Management Reports: Monitor chronic disease patients.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improves management, resulting in better outcomes and enhanced care.

Eliminate Variability and Inefficiency with AdvancedMD Reporting

Many practices are unaware of the variability in their operations and its impact on performance. Without clear visibility, practices struggle to see how things are executed across programs, systems, and departments. Our solutions address these issues by connecting systems, processes, and people, providing insights that enable effective collaboration and improved outcomes.

Key Solutions and Benefits

  • Objective Insights: Gain a real-time, unbiased view of your processes using data from your systems and staff.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Demonstrates the value of improvements, driving stakeholder buy-in and alignment.
  • Impact Quantification: Demonstrate the value of improvements by quantifying their impact.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Prioritizes initiatives, standardizes processes, and achieves faster, cost-efficient outcomes.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: Drive stakeholder buy-in and alignment with data-driven suggestions.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Effective prioritization and outcome optimization.
  • Effective Prioritization: Prioritize initiatives by quantifying potential gains.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Ensures rapid results through easy-to-use insights.
  • Outcome Optimization: Standardize processes for faster, cost-efficient outcomes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Delivers tangible results in as little as four weeks.

Harness Actionable Insights and Business Intelligence

Enable organizational work orchestration and outcomes with unified goals, increased transparency, and silo elimination. Combine diverse perspectives to address business problems with innovative solutions.

Maximize Technology Investments and Improve Efficiency

Unlock your practice’s full potential by leveraging data across your existing systems. Our solutions streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve patient care without needing to replace your existing infrastructure.

AdvancedMD Reporting for Executive Management

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, adaptation is crucial. New technologies, rising patient expectations, and the need for greater efficiency require seamless coordination across all departments. However, many practices face significant challenges due to disconnects between departments and systems, leading to lost value, inefficiency, and unmet patient needs.

Unified Understanding of Operations

By integrating AdvancedMD with our reporting tools, you can harness the power of data to gain a unified understanding of your practice’s operations. This integration provides clear visibility of processes and connects the dots to ensure everything and everyone works better together.

Enhanced Decision-Making with Real-Time Data Insights

  • Real-Time Data Insights: Access real-time data on patient care, operational efficiency, and financial health for swift, informed decision-making.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Visualizes critical metrics and trends, enabling quick analysis and strategic planning.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Visualize critical metrics and trends with intuitive dashboards for quick analysis and strategic planning.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved decision-making and strategic planning.

Improved Operational Efficiency

  • Streamlined Processes: Identify and eliminate bottlenecks within your operations to maximize efficiency.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved operational efficiency and performance monitoring.
  • Performance Monitoring: Easily monitor and manage staff and resource performance, ensuring optimal practice operations.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced operational efficiency and resource management.

Superior Clinical Outcomes

  • Patient Care Analytics: Delve into patient data to uncover patterns and trends, leading to improved care strategies and outcomes.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Better care strategies and continuous quality improvement.
  • Quality Improvement: Use analytical tools to continuously monitor and enhance care quality, surpassing healthcare standards.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced clinical outcomes and patient care quality.

Financial Optimization

  • Revenue Cycle Management: Gain comprehensive insights into your financial processes to identify improvement areas and enhance revenue cycle efficiency.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved financial processes and revenue cycle efficiency.
  • Cost Reduction Strategies: Implement effective cost reduction strategies without compromising patient care quality.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Reduced costs and maintained care quality.

Compliance and Security

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with all healthcare regulations using our reporting and analytics tools.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved compliance and data security.
  • Data Security: Trust in a platform that prioritizes the security and confidentiality of your patient and operational data.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced data security and regulatory compliance.

Customization and Support

  • Tailored Solutions: Custom solutions meet your healthcare practice’s unique needs, ensuring relevancy and effectiveness.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved solution relevancy and effectiveness.
  • Dedicated Support: Benefit from our expert support team, dedicated to helping you.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced support and solution effectiveness.

Patient Diagnosis and CPT Coding

  • Precision: Our solution helps identify incorrect medical diagnoses and CPT codes, reducing the burden on your clinical staff and minimizing coding errors.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Optimized billing, enhanced revenue recovery, and ensured compliance.
  • Optimization: This precision in coding optimizes billing, enhances revenue recovery, and ensures compliance with healthcare regulations.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved billing accuracy and revenue recovery.

Customized Billing Automation

  • Tailored Billing: Enhance revenue cycle management by ensuring accurate billing, reducing errors, and improving cash flow. Our system adapts to your specific requirements, providing a personalized solution that maximizes efficiency.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced billing accuracy, reduced errors, and improved cash flow.

Maximized Technology Investments

  • Extend Capabilities: Extend the capabilities of your existing EMR and billing systems, helping you maximize the return on your technology investments.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved return on investment and technology utilization.
  • Cost Savings: Our automation solutions extend the lifespan and enhance the utility of your current infrastructure, offering significant cost savings over time.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Increased cost savings and infrastructure utility.

Enhanced Clinical Productivity

  • Focus on Care: Improve clinical efficiency, allowing providers to focus on delivering high-quality patient care.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved clinical efficiency and patient care quality.

Accelerated Financial Operations

  • Streamlined Revenue Cycle: From accurate charge capture to efficient claims processing and payment collection, our automation accelerates your practice’s financial operations, enhancing your bottom line.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced financial operations and bottom line.

Reduced Administrative Tasks

  • Automation: Automate and reduce time-consuming administrative tasks, freeing your staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved operational efficiency and staff satisfaction.
  • Efficiency and Satisfaction: This not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances staff satisfaction by eliminating repetitive and manual reporting work.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Increased operational efficiency and staff satisfaction.

Data Driven Insights

  • Integrated Analytics: Provide real-time insights into your practice’s performance, enabling informed decisions that drive operational and financial improvement.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced performance insights and informed decision-making.
  • Comprehensive View: Our solutions offer a comprehensive view of your practice, from patient care metrics to financial performance.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved practice performance and decision-making.

Improved Patient Satisfaction

  • Enhanced Experience: Contribute to a better patient experience through automated reminders, streamlined check-ins, and efficient patient flow.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved patient experience and satisfaction.
  • Satisfaction: This leads to shorter wait times, improved communication, and higher patient satisfaction levels.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced patient satisfaction and experience.

Scalable Solutions for Future Growth

  • Adaptability: Our scalable solution adapts to your practice’s evolving needs. Whether expanding services, adding new providers, or increasing patient volumes, our system grows with you, ensuring sustained efficiency and success.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Improved scalability and practice growth.

Ongoing Support and Innovation

  • Continuous Improvement: Partnering with PracticePath means gaining a partner committed to your success. We provide continuous support and regularly update our solutions with the latest advancements in healthcare technology and regulatory compliance.
    Business Objectives and Outcomes: Enhanced support and continuous improvement.


Integrating AdvancedMD with PracticePath’s advanced reporting services unlocks the full potential of your medical practice. By leveraging your existing data and systems, we provide actionable insights that drive operational, clinical, and financial improvements. Our comprehensive suite of reports and customizable solutions ensures that your practice operates at peak efficiency, enhances patient care, and maximizes revenue. Embrace the power of data-driven decision-making and transform your healthcare practice today with PracticePath’s AdvancedMD reporting services.

Take the Next Step

Complete the form below if you are ready to have a conversation to find out more about how we can foster a more efficient, financially robust, and clinically effective practice, let’s start driving toward your goals of delivering superior healthcare while maintaining profitability and operational excellence.